
House of Knock, Dumfries and Galloway

Pre-acquisition Coastal Geomorphology Stability Appraisal

Due diligence survey of a large 8-bedroomed property constructed <5m from coastal slopes above the Irish Sea.  Determined the house was founded on high strength glacial till resting on bedrock at a depth of c.5m bgl.

Cracking and movement in external hard landscaping and retaining wall was deemed to be due to settlement of placed fill material from the original cut and fill works for the house.  There was no evidence of soil slope failure or movement, but some cracking was observed in a corner of the property with associated leaning inward walls at first floor level. Foundation inspection pits verified widened strip foundations here resting on medium and low strength cohesive strata which were not likely to have suffered excessive total or differential settlement or heave.

A subsequent structural survey revealed internal floor joists changed direction, causing weakness of lateral restraint in the affected corner that was concluded as being the primary cause of the observed structural movement.

Cliff top setting of property 5m from glacial till slopes over bedrock above beach zone